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Agreement Frame Nlp

Agreement Frame NLP: A Powerful Tool for Positive Communication

Agreement Frame NLP is a powerful tool that has been used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to create positive communication and build rapport. The technique is based on the idea that people respond better when they feel understood and respected. By using certain language patterns, we can encourage agreement and collaboration.

Using an agreement frame in communication is a way to establish a common ground between two or more parties. It is a powerful approach for resolving conflicts, overcoming resistance, and building rapport. Applying this approach can lead to better outcomes in any situation.

What is an Agreement Frame NLP?

An agreement frame is a set of language patterns that you can use in your communication to foster agreement, respect, and understanding. It is a way of structuring your words to create a sense of commonality between you and the person you are communicating with.

The idea behind the agreement frame is to use language that acknowledges the other person`s point of view and builds on it, rather than negating it. In this way, you can create a positive environment for communication, encourage collaboration and problem-solving.

How to use Agreement Frame NLP

The agreement frame is a simple and straightforward technique that anyone can use. You can apply it in many different ways, depending on your communication goals. Here are some examples of how to use the agreement frame:

1. Acknowledge the other person`s opinion

When someone expresses an opinion that is different from yours, you can use the agreement frame to acknowledge their point of view. For example, “I can see why you would think that way,” or “I understand where you`re coming from.”

2. Build on what the other person has said

Once you have acknowledged the other person`s opinion, you can use the agreement frame to build on it. For example, “That`s an interesting point. I hadn`t thought of it that way,” or “I agree that we need to find a solution, and I think we can work together to find one.”

3. Use inclusive language

The agreement frame emphasizes inclusive language that encourages collaboration and teamwork. For example, instead of saying “I don`t agree with you,” you can say “Let`s explore this further together.”

Benefits of Using Agreement Frame NLP

Using an agreement frame in communication has many benefits, including:

1. Building rapport

The agreement frame helps build rapport by creating a positive and respectful environment for communication. When people feel respected and understood, they are more likely to engage in constructive dialogue.

2. Resolving conflicts

In situations where there is conflict or disagreement, the agreement frame can help resolve the issue by encouraging collaboration and problem-solving.

3. Encouraging positive outcomes

Using the agreement frame helps to create a positive environment for communication, which can lead to positive outcomes. By working together, parties can create solutions that are mutually beneficial.


The agreement frame is a powerful communication tool that can help to create positive and constructive dialogue. By acknowledging other people`s opinions, building on them, and using inclusive language, you can encourage collaboration, build rapport, and resolve conflicts. Using the agreement frame in your communication can lead to positive outcomes in any situation.

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