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Service Agreement Vs Secondment

Service Agreement vs Secondment: Understanding the Differences

When it comes to contracting services between two parties, there are two common agreements that are often confused with one another: service agreement and secondment. Although these agreements may seem similar, there are significant differences between the two that everyone should know about.

Service Agreement

A service agreement is a legal contract between two parties designed to clarify the terms and conditions of the services being provided. This agreement is typically used when one party, known as the service provider, agrees to provide specific services to another party, known as the client, for a specified period, usually for a fee.

In a service agreement, the service provider remains an independent contractor, meaning they have no employer-employee relationship with the client. The client pays the service provider for their services, but the service provider is responsible for paying their own taxes and maintaining their own benefits.

Service agreements are commonly used in businesses, freelance work, or any other situations where a service is provided for a fee. Some examples of services that may require a service agreement include website design, graphic design, consulting, writing, and more.


A secondment is a temporary transfer of an employee from one employer to another employer for a specific period. In a secondment, the employee remains an employee of their original employer but works for the second employer during the secondment period.

During the secondment period, the second employer provides work, guidance, and support to the seconded employee. The employee is also subject to the second employer’s policies, procedures, and practices while on secondment.

Secondments are commonly used in situations where an employer requires additional help or expertise in a particular area that they do not have within their organization. Rather than hiring a new employee, they can second an employee from another organization to fulfill a specific task or project.

Key Differences

The main difference between the two agreements is that service agreements involve independent contractors providing services for a fee, while secondments involve employees temporarily transferring from one employer to another.

Another key difference is the employment relationship. In service agreements, the service provider remains an independent contractor while in secondments, the employee remains an employee of their original employer.

In terms of benefits and taxes, service providers in service agreements are responsible for paying their own taxes and maintaining their own benefits. While in secondments, the second employer is responsible for paying the employee for their work during the secondment period, as well as providing any benefits they would typically offer to their own employees.


In summary, service agreements and secondments are two different types of agreements with their own unique characteristics. Understanding the differences between the two agreements is crucial in ensuring that the proper agreement is used for the appropriate situation. Whether you’re a business owner looking to hire a contractor or an employer considering seconding an employee, it`s important to know which agreement is right for you.

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